Dave's Blog Posts

January 7, 2021
One of DesignHammer's core values is to encourage our team members to embrace different wellness activities. Especially during these trying pandemic times, the team is encouraged to find time each day to get outside, get some exercise, and keep energy levels up. Some of our team joined "The Conquerer" fitness challenge in the summer, and now we are starting anew in 2021. Follow along with our journey here.
September 4, 2020
Less than a month after schools in rural North Carolina areas were faced with the impact of lack of access to high-speed internet in the face of new virtual learning guidelines, the state is providing solutions.
August 14, 2020
When many of us were growing up, the iconic words of Alice Cooper were music to our ears. But how do students across different socioeconomic and locational spectrums literally deal with the fact that school is (at least for now) out forever?
August 14, 2020
Remember when Google was just a young fledgling startup amongst a field of giants such as Yahoo, Netscape, AskJeeves, and MSN? How like most innocent startups wanting to change the world they directed you TO the world through cutting edge search optimization that took the user to what you wanted, as fast as possible? Well now the fledging has suddenly become the bully on the block.
July 28, 2020
It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Google Loon! Skywatchers of central North Carolina were treated to an unusual sight this week when balloon HBAL227 flew through the region.
July 28, 2020
One of DesignHammer's core values is to encourage our team members to embrace different wellness activities. Recently several members of our team joined "The Conquerer" fitness challenge and added daily walking to our regular fitness routines. Follow along with our journey here.