Dave's Blog Posts

July 23, 2020
Experts say another COVID lockdown is coming. Here are what successful people are doing to prepare for the inevitable.
July 9, 2020
As our culture becomes more and more dependent on technology to drive our everyday interactions, and that technology is increasingly offered by a few massive tech companies, people are beginning to feel the pains of ‘messing with the big boys’.
July 2, 2020
For many people pre-pandemic, socializing with co-workers was an important part of their day and their work experience. Now keeping office morale up is more difficult than ever. This NY Times article offers a few creative ways employees can continue sharing their lives with their co-workers virtually.
May 19, 2020
DesignHammer's new 2020 Spotlight Series touches on how some of our clients are adjusting to the current COVID-19 pandemic. This week we take a look at Duke PHMO (Population Health Management Office) and how they have pivoted to keep patients connected and providers empowered through the facilitation of programs such as DukeWell and Duke Connected Care.
April 29, 2020
DesignHammer's new 2020 Spotlight Series touches on how some of our clients are adjusting to the current COVID-19 pandemic. This week we take a look at Strategic Partner CED (The Council for Entrepreneurial Development) and how they have pivoted to re-engineer their annual Venture Connect Conference to Venture Connect online, debuting Monday, May 5th.
March 25, 2020
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak and new isolation laws, the business landscape is changing rapidly. Now is the time for businesses to get ahead of the curve by shifting their focus to online sales and reprioritizing internal initiatives that may have been sitting on the back burner.