May 09
The first week of May is small business week. Let's reflect on the small businesses that make the Triangle the best place to live and to work.
February 12
When developing your brand strategy, the color of your logo should not be taken lightly. Every color triggers a unique emotional effect in our subconscious mind, so it is important to make sure the connotations behind the colors in your brand style guide correlate with the message you are trying to convey to your customers.
January 06
Inclusivity has become a high priority in Gen Z’s marketing expectations from their favorite brands. Here is why every industry needs to ensure inclusion and diversity are important elements in their content marketing strategy, even the tech industry.
August 27
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but so are insults. Does it matter if no offense was intended; if a reader is offended by your writing? This very question came up in a recent Reader’s Corner review session. So, what did we do about it?
August 14
The entire world is participating in a global rallying civil rights cry for months, so my main question for the professional world is: why aren’t we talking about it? Walk West CEO Donald Thompson offers some guidelines for people who feel uneasy discussing the topic of race inequity in the professional landscape.
July 23
Amidst all of the economic downturns and culture clashes currently ravaging America, there is a silver lining that has appeared as a result of the coronavirus pandemic; which is seeing small businesses with inefficient workflows thrust into the 21st century and forced to adapt their outdated business practices.