DesignHammer Awarded State Government Contract

November 15, 2001

The Public Schools of North Carolina has awarded the contract to maintain the Workforce Development Education content of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction web site to DesignHammer Media Group, LLC. In addition to maintaining the current content, DesignHammer will develop content delivery methods, as well as provide consulting services.

The current site includes over 450 static pages, featuring content pertaining to the nine WDE Program Areas as well as Feature Areas, including Course Curricula, Teacher Education Resources and WDE Course Blueprints

The mission of Workforce Development Education is to help empower students for effective participation in an international economy as world-class workers and citizens. Programs in Workforce Development are designed to contribute to the broad educational achievement of students, including basic skills such as reading, writing and mathematics as well as their ability to work independently and as part of a team, think creatively and solve problems and utilize technology.

Workforce Development Education in North Carolina is organized in grades 6 through 12 in the public school system. The program begins with exploratory courses and leads to specialized classroom instruction in grades 11 and 12.

In 1999-2000, over 427,000 students in grades 6-12 were enrolled in workforce development education courses. These courses were taught by over 6400 teachers and with the assistance of over 440 support personnel in special populations and career development. Sixty-nine percent of all students enrolled in grades 9-12 took at least one workforce development education course.

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