DesignHammer at BarCampRDU 2008

August 04, 2008

On Saturday, August 2, 2008, Red Hat hosted the third annual BarCampRDU conference, with DesignHammer providing sponsorship, as well as lending Managing Partner David Minton to host one of the conference's dozens of participant led sessions.

According to the conference website, “a Bar Camp is an unconference where... rather than having scheduled speakers, everyone pitches sessions the morning of the BarCamp. Those sessions are put on a schedule, and lots of little groups form for intense group learning. Everyone is expected to teach, to talk, to participate.”

Minton, who also attended the conference in 2007, gave a presentation on Website Coding Best Practices for Search Engine Optimization, during the morning's first session. Other popular session topics included Twitter, Web services, and Social Networks.

Also in attendance was DesignHammer Graphic Designer Sheena Donnelly. For Donnelly “the best part of BarCampuRDU was the opportunity to meet with other web development professionals and exchange ideas about social media, web trends and ways to increase the quality of every user’s internet experience.”

Over two hundred and forty registered for the free, one-day conference, held at the Red Hat World Headquarters in Raleigh.

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