DesignHammer Contributes to the Community, Develops New Site for Independent Animal Rescue

March 30, 2001

In an effort to make a contribution to the community, DesignHammer Media Group LLC has contributed the development and hosting of a new web site for Independent Animal Rescue, an all-volunteer private non-profit organization that cares for stray, abandoned and abused companion animals in North Carolina’s Research Triangle Region.

"We have a real soft spot in our hearts for animals," said DesignHammer Managing Partner David Minton. The four DesignHammer partners care for five dogs between them, two of which were adopted from IAR. According to Robert Weeks, DesignHammer Partner/Technology "The volunteers at IAR and the work they do for the animals in this community are a big part of what makes the Triangle a such special place to live and work. The two dogs my wife and I have adopted from them have brought an amazing amount of joy into our lives. We are grateful for the chance to give something back to them and to this community."

The project included graphic design, information architecture, site automation and site implementation. The challenge was to provide an attractive, easily updated site for the client to aid in their animal rescue efforts.

Designhammer chose to create a new site based upon a custom written content management system developed using mySQL, PHP and templates to provide a site that would be easy to update and maintain by IAR’s staff of volunteers without any knowledge of html. This allows them to keep the site current without outside help so they can help a larger number of animals. Features including Weekly News, Weekly Featured Animals, Calendar of Events, Adopt an IAR Animal, a Non IAR Animal, and Success Stories are all maintained through this system. In addition, DesignHammer developed an Online Donations system to allow IAR to solicit contributions through the web site.

According to Jennifer Strom, Vice President of IAR "DesignHammer’s efforts created a comprehensive, easily navigable, attractive and useful resource for our leaders, our volunteers, and most of all for the general public we are trying to reach. Thanks to your team, potential adopters can now surf through our available animals easily and people looking to place an animal can download helpful pamphlets. New volunteers can learn about us and apply on-line for more information, and donors can contribute with just a few clicks of the mouse."

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