DesignHammer Designs New Website for Raleigh Rescue Mission

October 14, 2009

Durham, NC – DesignHammer, a Durham-based web design and development company has recently completed work on the new Raleigh Rescue Mission website, now live at Raleigh Rescue is a Christian, interdenominational nonprofit whose mission is to shelter the homeless and disadvantaged population in the community. In addition to shelter, the organization collaborates with a range of nonprofit organizations to offer comprehensive recovery services to individuals and families in need.

Before the re-design, the organization had great challenges with a static HTML website which was proving both costly and time consuming. In addition, they were seeking a new design to enhance areas of the site such as increasing donations for the charity, raising volunteerism, developing itself as an informational resource for poverty issues, and transforming the site to be easily maintainable by the staff.

DesignHammer has maintained a strong relationship with Raleigh Rescue since 2007 as the provider of their hosting and maintenance services. On being selected for the re-design work, Managing Partner, David Minton stated, “Though DesignHammer provided website hosting and maintenance for the organization’s legacy website, we were very glad the Mission selected our firm for their ambitious website redesign project.”

The site has since been improved with an attractive new design, including prominent call-to-action buttons for volunteering and donations, which has addressed the organization’s primary goal. Dynamic pages have been added, filled with information about Raleigh Rescue as well as homelessness, poverty, and links to their newsletter. The addition of a new Drupal content management system will also now ensure website content is current and easily maintainable by staff at the mission.

Leslie Currin, Director of Public Relations at the Mission said after the revised site went live, “I think the new site is excellent and according to the feedback we’ve received since the launch of the site, so do many others! The new site is not only aesthetically pleasing with a modern design, but has the functionality we desired to help engage people in our ministry.”

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