DesignHammer Developers Present Drupal 7 at the 2011 NCTech4Good Conference

April 11, 2011

nctech4good logoDurham, NC (April 11, 2011) — Jay Roberts and Kosta Harlan, Drupal Developers at DesignHammer, will be presenting at the 2011 NCTech4Good Conference. NCTech4Good Conference is an annual daylong event that offers information and networking opportunities for staff, consultants, and volunteers for North Carolina nonprofits and similar organizations. The conference will take place April 15, 2011 at the William and Ida Friday Center in Chapel Hill, NC.
Both Jay and Kosta will be presenting on Drupal 7, an open-source content management system with an active, worldwide development community. This open development model creates a free, flexible, robust, and constantly improving CMS solution for websites large and small. Drupal 7 is the latest version, release earlier this year.

Jay will be presenting “A Tour of Drupal 7.” Regarding the exciting new advances over Drupal 6, Jay says, "Drupal 7 provides many opportunities for site developers. If you haven't looked into it, now is the time." This will be a beginner level overview of what Drupal 7 is and how it can be used to meet the needs of modern non-profit organizations. The session will cover the role of Drupal as a website content management system and also how it can be customized to handle tasks such as providing updates to constituents, getting feedback, promoting collaboration, and accepting donations.

Later in the day, Kosta will be presenting “How to Upgrade a Drupal 6 Site to a Drupal 7 Site.” This will be a beginner to intermediate level discussion of the best practices for upgrading a website from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7, a review of some automated tools available to help with the upgrade path, as well as identifying potential pitfalls to watch out for while upgrading. On his hopes for his presentations Kosta says, "I think the sessions on Drupal will be useful to attendees as Drupal 7 is a great platform for non-profit organizations to use in promoting their message and work."

The 2011 NCTech4Good Conference sessions include case studies, workshops, and panel discussions. Topics focus on practical information at different levels of expertise to help organizations solve everyday problems and meet their goals. Participants learn from leaders in the field and from each other, while also strengthening the NCTech4Good network. Kosta is excited to be attending, "I'm looking forward to learning about how non-profits are using technology to further their goals, and I'm particularly interested to participate in the discussions about mobile development."

Early conference registration closed on Friday April 8th. Late registration is available onsite, the day of the conference, for $125.00. On Sturday, The NCTech4Good will host an Unconference, providing an opportunity to learn even more, in a less structured atmosphere than the traditional conference. The fee for the Unconference is $10.00.

The first NCTech4Good Conference brought together, from across the state, more than 100 representatives of the nonprofit and technology communities to identify and address the relevant needs of nonprofit organizations in North Carolina.

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