DesignHammer Gets A New Look

July 01, 2005

Today DesignHammer Media Group, LLC announced the launch of its totally redesigned website, featuring a new look and improved usability features.

Frank Yonnetti, chief architect of the redesign and DesignHammer Partner said, “My main goal was to stay ahead of our competition. So I wanted to give our site a fresh new look based on current design trends along with some added usability. I see the push for web standards and designing for forward compatibility. To help achieve this I needed to separate design and layout from content and HTML structure within the (behind the scenes) code using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).” Yonnetti added, “This method streamlines transitioning to platform independence, and allows sites to easily support devices such as PDAs and cell phones, in addition to traditional web browsers. And more importantly, it helps produce web sites accessible to people with disabilities, a requirement for our government clients”

DesignHammer builds smarter websites for several notable Triangle area entities including: Durham Bulls Baseball Club, etrials Worldwide, RTI International and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce. A select portfolio of completed projects is available at

Founded in 2001, DesignHammer Media Group, LLC is a leading North Carolina web design and development company. DesignHammer helps its clients by focusing on Consulting, Design, Dynamic Content, Hosting, and Best Use of Technologies. DesignHammer—building smarter websites.

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