DesignHammer July Drupal Coder Lounge Recap

July 16, 2014

Ten Drupalers from the Triangle community gathered at DesignHammer to work on Drupal core and contrib modules. Attendees worked on Drupal 8 core issues, documentation, contributed modules and Drush.

This was the first time we had organized a coder lounge in a few years, so while this one mainly went well, there are some things we will try to improve on for the next one:

  • Not everyone had a functional Drupal 8 development environment at the start of the meeting. This is mainly due to PHP 5.4 and Drush 7 requirements, while most folks had PHP 5.3 and Drush 6 installed on their laptops. We will try to provide some documentation and recommendations before the next meet up to get people prepared before hand.
  • Many people expressed that it was difficult to find a good place to get started with contributing to Drupal core. Next time we might try a pair programming approach, and have teams of two people work on an issue together for the duration of the meeting.
  • Drupal Ladder was a good resource for folks who were new to Drupal core contributions.

Thanks to everyone who attended and contributed back to the Drupal community by participating! We hope to see you next time, **Tuesday October 7 from 11:30am—1:30 pm**. We'll post to Meetup and TriDug closer to the event so you can RSVP.

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