DesignHammer offers two chances to win a Nexus 7 tablet at nonprofit conference

September 11, 2012

To promote DesignHammer's sponsorship of the 2012 Conference for North Carolina's Nonprofit Sector at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Research Triangle Park on September 13–14, the company will be providing two chances to win a Google Nexus 7 tablet.

The conference is the premier statewide event for North Carolina’s nonprofit sector, expected to draw between 700-900 nonprofit decision makers from across the state, as well as foundation trustees and staff, corporate giving officers, and consultants and vendors who work with nonprofits. Conference participants receive exposure to national, cutting-edge speakers, access to high-quality information, and important connections with peers, grantmakers, and others. The conference is organized by the North Carolina Center for Nonprofits.

According to DesignHammer Managing Partner David Minton "we wanted to run a contest to promote the conference, and award a good prize, but but didn't want to exclude those who couldn't attend the conference. So, we offer two ways to win."

  1. Attending the 2012 Conference for North Carolina's Nonprofit Sector at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel? If so, stop by the DesignHammer table between 8am and 6pm on Thursday and drop off your business card for a chance to win a Google Nexus 7 tablet. The winner will be announced during the Twentieth Anniversary Reception.
  2. Can't attend the conference? Participate in the social media contest using the interface above. You can enter via email, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or all of the above! Each entry increases your chance to win!

There is no cost to enter. Participants do not need to attend the 2012 Conference for North Carolina's Nonprofit Sector to enter the social media contest. Only one business card will be accepted per person. The business card contest will run from 8am EST 09/13/2012 until 6pm EST 09/13/2012. The social media contest will run from 11pm EST 09/12/2012 until 11pm EST 09/27/2012. Only one prize will be awarded to any one individual. Prizes will only be shipped within the continental United States. Winners will be contacted via email.

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