DesignHammer Organizes SEO Meetup

January 06, 2009

meetupDesignHammer, a Durham-based full-service web design and development company, is organizing and hosting a meetup on search engine optimization (SEO). The meetup will take place on January 20, 2009. A "meetup" is a social gathering that focuses on one of a wide variety of topics. Meetups are organized through

The January SEO meetup—the first meetup for the group since August 2008—will set the stage for topics discussed over the course of 2009. These topics can include: relevant keyword generation, website structure, SEO tools and processes, and more. The meetup is organized through The Morrisville/RTP Search Engine Optimization Meetup Group at

Tevan Alexander, a Web Designer/Developer for DesignHammer, is excited about the opportunity to meet fellow Web enthusiasts interested in SEO. "I look forward to exchanging ideas, discussing SEO techniques, and connecting with website producers in the area," Tevan said. DesignHammer Media Group can perform SEO for you. Contact DesignHammer to learn more about their SEO services.

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