DesignHammer Provides CWEP Site A Clean New Look

October 18, 2005

DesignHammer Media Group announces the launch of the redesigned website for the North Carolina Clean Water Education Partnership (CWEP), a program of Triangle J Council of Governments.

“We were privileged to be selected by CWEP to design their web site,” said David Minton, Managing Partner for DesignHammer. “CWEP works to protect North Carolina’s waterways from stormwater pollution through public education and outreach. We were pleased we could contribute to their efforts by providing them with a more effective means of publicizing their content on the Web,” Minton stated.

“We discovered Design Hammer through a contact that had previous experience working with David,” said Sarah Bruce, Water Resources Planner and CWEP Coordinator. “We decided to have DesignHammer build our site because the company is both technically capable and easy to work with. Our new website is a quantum improvement over our last; we have greatly increased the amount of information on why stormwater pollution is a problem in North Carolina and what citizens can do about this problem. One of the most exciting aspects of our new site is that the public and our organizational partners will be able to view or listen to spots from our radio and television campaigns and download our brochure,” Bruce added.

Clean Water Education Partnership (CWEP) is a cooperative stormwater pollution education and awareness program involving almost 30 different local governments within the Cape Fear, Neuse, and Tar-Pamlico River Basins. State agencies help advice the Partnership and Triangle J Council of Governments provides staff support. CWEP uses mass media campaigns and other methods to communicate how the public can help protect surface water quality.

Founded in 2001, DesignHammer Media Group, LLC is a leading North Carolina web design and development company. DesignHammer helps its clients by focusing on Consulting, Design, Dynamic Content, Hosting, and Best Use of Technologies. DesignHammer—building smarter websites.

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