DesignHammer Redesigns Northgate Mall Website

October 24, 2013

DesignHammer launched a redesigned Northgate Mall website, which features an improved user interface and updated look.

Located in Durham, NC, Northgate Mall has been a regional shopping center for over 60 years, with more than 140 retailers. The locally owned and operated mall features national chains, local retailers, specialty shops, a multi-screen movie theater and dining options.

The mall also serves the greater Durham community by hosting events for all ages and interests, such as lifestyle expos, family events, and a free health and wellness program for walkers.

With an existing website that was difficult to update, Northgate Mall sought out DesignHammer’s expertise to improve their content management experience.

“DesignHammer led us through the often complicated task of website redesign with expertise and patience,” said Tara Hill, social media specialist at Northgate Associates. “The team was dependable, professional and enjoyable to work with,” she said.

For the redesign, the Northgate Mall team required a website that would allow them to easily update content to ensure current information, as well as to help facilitate Search Engine Optimization .

DesignHammer built the site in WordPress, a free open source content management system (CMS) that allows organizations of all sizes to maintain an up-to-date online presence through a user-friendly platform.

Easy to use and versatile, WordPress can be customized with tens of thousands of themes, plugins and widgets, allowing for freedom in functionality. DesignHammer modified several plugins to provide the necessary functionality for the website, as well as enhance user experience.

The Store Directory, an important feature of the website, was custom-designed by DesignHammer to engage users through intuitive browsing and searching options.

Users can search for a retailer by name, browse by category and location, or by interacting with a clickable map of the mall. Clicking on a store in the map directs users to a page with more information about products and services offered, contact information, and current sales and offers when applicable.

The WordPress designers and developers at DesignHammer have years of industry experience building custom WordPress themes and websites. For the Northgate Mall website, the DesignHammer team utilized Responsive Web Design to accommodate mobile browsing.

Responsive design provides an optimal Web-browsing experience for users on a wide range of devices, including mobile, desktop and tablet devices.

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