DesignHammer Sheds Old Skin, Emerges with New Look

May 15, 2002

DesignHammer Media Group is pleased to present its new look. The redesigned web site includes additional case studies, news releases, and features a new company logo, all wrapped in a new interface.

Frank Yonnetti, DesignHammer Partner responsible for the company’s visual image said of the new site “I was working towards a more modern, simple approach. Since the majority of the new site is samples of work we have done for our clients, limiting the palette to shades of gray prevented the DesignHammer site from overpowering the other works. The animation, done with Flash, is also very subtle.”

As for the new logo, Yonnetti added “I was playing off the idea of the word ‘Hammer’ without working with a literal hammer. I wanted a very blunt and solid object, yet easily recognizable with strong geometric shapes. When placing the company name, ‘designHAMMER,’ next to the logo, the resulting new shape takes the form of a hammer without actually being a hammer.”

The new site features fourteen case studies, highlighting the design and development work of DesignHammer Partners Frank Yonnetti and Robert Weeks. “DesignHammer has been busy for the last eighteen months, and the expended Results and News sections of the site show what we have been up to.” said DesignHammer Managing Partner David Minton.

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