DesignHammer Sponsors BarCamp RDU

October 22, 2010

Durham, NC - DesignHammer will continue its sponsorship of the Raleigh-Durham BarCamp for their Fall 2010 event this Saturday October 23rd. This event marks the fifth time for BarCampRDU and the second consecutive year of sponsorship from DesignHammer.

The BarCamp event is an “un-conference” where attendees of the event can watch as well as engage as educators with their peers. The event is open to the public and driven entirely by content created by those attending the event making for a unique, entertaining and educational experience.

BarCamps have developed worldwide, bringing together professionals from various industries to share their knowledge with peers. Other industries that have taken advantage of the BarCamp format include Real Estate, Marketing, Healthcare, and Education. There are also more topic specific conferences within the technology field that cover cloud computing, design, privacy, and UX sessions throughout the day for those interested in a highly focused event.

In addition to sponsoring the event, DesignHammer’s staff will be in attendance to pitch their own presentations and contribute. Developer Jay Roberts, who has attended BarCamp events in the past stated, “BarCamp is a really great opportunity to connect with other developers in the area. You never know what new thing will spark your interest. For example, last year there was a great session on Robotics. It can be a way to explore some new technologies that you wouldn’t ordinarily look into or try out.”

For those that cannot attend, the BarCamp sessions are covered by live bloggers and can be followed as it happens by searching for the BarCampRDU tag as well as following along with #BarCampRDU on Twitter.

The event will be held at the RedHat offices in Raleigh this Saturday from 8:30-6pm. For more information, please visit the BarCamp organization’s website.

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