DesignHammer Sponsors BarCampRDU 2011

September 22, 2011

BarCampRDU 2011 LogoDurham, NC — DesignHammer will continue its sponsorship of the Raleigh-Durham BarCamp for 2011. This marks the sixth year for BarCampRDU and the third consecutive year of sponsorship by DesignHammer.

BarCampRDU is a “un-conference” where attendees of the event can watch as well as engage as educators with their peers. The event is open to the public and driven entirely by content created by those attending the event making for a unique, entertaining and educational experience.

BarCamps have developed worldwide, bringing together professionals from various industries to share their knowledge with peers. Other industries that have taken advantage of the BarCamp format include Real Estate, Marketing, Healthcare, and Education. There are also more topic specific conferences within the technology field that cover cloud computing, design, privacy, and UX sessions throughout the day for those interested in a highly focused event.

In addition to sponsoring the event, DesignHammer’s staff will be in attendance to pitch their own presentations and contribute. According to DesignHammer Account Manager Stephen Pashby “This will be my first BarCamp. I am looking forward to becoming further involved with our thriving local tech community.”

DesignHammer Partner David Minton, who has attended BarCampRDU four times added “I have had a great experience at BarCampRDU, connecting with fellow members of the tech community, learning from others through the wide variety topics covered each year, as well as getting to share some of what I know through leading sessions myself.”

For those that cannot attend, the BarCamp sessions are covered by live bloggers and can be followed as it happens by searching for the BarCampRDU tag as well as following along with #BarCampRDU on Twitter.

The event will be held at the RedHat offices in Raleigh Saturday October 15th from 8:00-5:30pm. Tickets are available free of charge through Eventbrite, though attendance is limited to 200. For more information, visit the BarCampRDU website.

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