DesignHammer Sponsors DCampSouth Usability Conference

June 04, 2007

DesignHammer was happy to help sponsor DCampSouth, on June 2nd. The conference, held at the School of Communication Arts in Raleigh, attracted more than sixty user experience professionals and students from across the state.

DCampSouth, a conference for anyone interested in design and user experience, was inspired by DCamp, held in May 2006 in Palo Alto, CA. The goal of DCampSouth was to bring together people of all professions interested in user experience and design, to help foster communication between professions, and help foster community.

Other than a a keynote session by Thomas Vander Wal, DCampSouth utilized an unconference format, in which participants pitch their session ideas, rather than having scheduled speakers, and topics.

The conference was organized by TriUPA (Triangle-area chapter of the Usability Professionals Association). DesignHammer’s sponsorship covered the purchase of lunch for all conference guests and participants.

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