DesignHammer Takes Home Two Vega Awards

June 02, 2021

DesignHammer has been awarded two 2021 Vega Digital Awards by International Awards Associate. The Divers Alert Network website redesign has been recognized with a Canopus Award (platinum) in the non-profit category, and a Centauri Award (gold) in the associations category. 

DAN Vega Award Winner

DesignHammer collaborated with DAN to consolidate three of their sites into one user-friendly WordPress website with a custom-designed, mobile-responsive theme to maintain brand identity and more effectively engage their audiences. 

"We are pleased with the recognition of the new DAN website by the Vega Digital Awards — and we’re thrilled with the improved user experience for our customers and members."

— Bill Ziefle, DAN President & CEO

Other notable Vega award-winning website projects this year were commissioned by The Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum, Natural Resources Defense Council, and State Farm Insurance Company.

The DAN awards are the 6th and 7th Vega Digital Awards for work with our clients since 2018. DesignHammer has submitted projects and won awards in three of the last four years. Other Vega Digital award-winning projects include work for RailincThe Center for Entrepreneurial Development (CED)Highland Industries, and The William Blake Archive.

The Vega Digital Awards are administered by International Awards Associate (IAA), a group of industry innovators, creators, designers, and communications professionals, deeply committed to moving the industry forward through the discovery and recognition of new and existing talent.

Evaluated in blind judging by a panel of senior-level digital media professionals from around the world, websites are judged on visual design, content, structure and navigation/functionality, interactivity, and overall experience. Winning entries represent excellence in design, development, marketing, and communications, and the opportunity to stand out in an international competition above thousands of other entities

See the rest of the 2021 Vega Digital award winners.

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