DesignHammer Works Toward Local Innovation

July 27, 2004

DesignHammer Media Group, LLC has completed the initial web site for the Center for Local Innovation. The project included a contemporary interface design, a custom-built content management system, hosting services, and ongoing maintenance.

CLI publishes research papers called Innovation Guides designed to encourage efficiency in local government. These include the annual By the Numbers report on local tax burdens in North Carolina, which generates significant print and broadcast media coverage.

The new site features a custom-built content management system, enabling Pope Center staff to maintain the content of the site, including Interviews, and New

The Center for Local Innovation was founded in 1999 as a project of the John Locke Foundation. CLI engages local leaders in dialogue about such issues as privatization, fiscal restraint, and growth management. Its Steering Committee includes elected city and county officials from across the state.

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