Earth Day: A Billion Acts of Green

April 21, 2011

Green Plus MoverAs part of our Green Plus sustainability efforts, DesignHammer staff members are taking part in Earth Day 2011: A Billion Acts of Green.
According to the Earth Day Network: “This year, Earth Day's theme is A Billion Acts of Green: a people-powered campaign to generate a billion acts of environmental service and advocacy.”

Coffee Grounds to Compost

In honor of Earth Day, Partner David Minton added composting to DesignHammer's sustainability efforts.

"My wife and I have been composting at home for years. This has allowed us to reduce our waste, as well as save money by not needing to buy as much compost for our garden. Since we drink a lot of coffee at DesignHammer, I realized this would be an additional source of compostable material. Coffee grounds are a good source of nitrogen, and break down quickly. In addition to coffee grounds, we are also collecting tea bags, and fruit scraps, such as apple cores. We collected nearly three pounds in the first week; this was a very easy way to help reduce the company's environmental footprint."

Practice Sustainable Commuting

DesignHammer Developer Kosta Harlan actively promotes a sustainable lifestyle through his commuting choices.

"I biked to work one day this week and telecommuted on another, which helped keep one car off the road for two days. Biking to work is a great way to reduce our impact on the environment and I hope to increase the number of days per week that I cycle to work in the next few months. On Earth Day, I plan to do some gardening at my family's house."

Supporting the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina

As part of DesignHammer's effort to contribute to the community, Production Designer Paul Bredenberg will be bringing this quarter's food drive contribution to the Durham Branch of the FBCENC.

"I think our food drive efforts are an excellent way to give back to the community. It requires very little effort to pick up a few cans during a visit to the grocery store, and when a group of people get together to contribute, such as with DesignHammer's food drive, the amount of food that finds it's way onto the tables of needy families adds up relatively quickly."

Practice Environmentally Friendly Landscaping

On Earth Day, Account Manager Stephen Pashby will be working in his yard and garden.

“My wife and I have committed to using as little water as possible in our lawncare and gardening. We water our vegetable garden, but our grass and landscaping plants grow (or not) without additional water.”

Green Power Management Review

In an effort to lower his personal environmental footprint, Developer Jay Roberts took time to examine his electronic lifestyle.

"I reviewed the power settings on the computers I use to ensure that their energy saving settings were enabled. It's a simple thing that takes very little time to do but is valuable nonetheless."

Get Involved for Earth Day

We at DesignHammer encourage you to perform one of A Billion Acts of Green.

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