Fall Updates '19

October 09, 2019

Latest Updates: Fall 2019

As we enter the fall season we'd like to take a look back at some of our accomplishments we made over the summer. The past few months proved to be a busy time for everyone in the DesignHammer office; chock-full of new projects, technologies, and conferences. We even had to hire a new developer to take on existing and upcoming projects this season! We'll have more exciting news to cover in the upcoming months as well, so stay tuned for future updates from the DesignHammer team!

New Hire! | Tools and Technology | Recent Projects | Featured Blog Post | Community Involvement

New Hire

Tiffany Cissel

Hunter Deschepper

Meet Tiffany Cissel, our newest Developer! We are excited to add another talented developer to the DesignHammer team and have already been impressed by the amount of initiative she has shown in her first couple of weeks. In addition to all of the standard web technologies, she is adept with angular, ReactJS, and Gutenblock building. Click here to read Tiffany's full bio.

Tiffany Cissel

Tools and Technology

Vue.js & Electron High Definition Quiz Experience

Jay Roberts

A reputable marketing agency recently approached DesignHammer for additional assistance with a 2-week turnaround, white-label project for their Fortune 500 client. The concept was a highly interactive quiz-style experience to be displayed at a conference kiosk, challenging attendees to answer five questions correctly in a short time span. The experience was to serve as a marketing tool for their new AI software, with the timed-quiz proving that the software could answer questions faster & more accurately than a human could. The quiz kiosk brought together a number of key technologies (reactive UI, 4k video, content delivery) to create a compelling experience for conference attendees and by optimizing the elements for the Electron browser’s rendering engine, the final experience ran smoothly and maintained a crisp frame-rate during multi-element transitions. You can learn more about the quiz kiosk project in our latest case study.

Quiz Kiosk Screenshot

Recent Projects

UNC Center for Innovation and Sustainability in Local Media New Website Redesign

Michael Nicholson

UNC’s Center for Innovation and Sustainability in Local Media supports existing and start-up news organizations through a variety of programs. They came to DesignHammer looking for some updates to the design of their existing website as well as some functionality changes to help them be better positioned to create new content and layouts.

The new site continues to use a WordPress site builder for layout flexibility, but in addition to design changes DesignHammer also updated the content entry system for some posts to allow for a more streamlined and consistent data entry process. DesignHammer is proud to support the Center and its mission to help maintain and grow local media sources throughout the country.

UNC Cislm Homepage

Featured Blog Post

Accessibility Beyond WCAG & Section 508

David Minton

More people seem to be learning about web accessibility as of late. Whatever the motivation, be it written or unwritten legal requirements, expanding markets and/or profits, or human empathy; making websites more accessible to people with disabilities is ultimately the right thing to do. When it comes to accessibility, prospects and clients alike ask about 508 compliance. But does Section 508 go far enough? Or should we be doing more? DesignHammer Managing partner David Minton tackles these questions and provides more insight into the newest accessibility laws & legislation in his latest blog post

Accessibilty Blog Post

Community Involvement

Drupal GovCon 2019 - Recap

Stephen Pashby

For the 6th year in a row, David and I attended Drupal GovCon in Bethesda, MD. While in previous years, we exhibited in addition to speaking at one or more sessions, but this year we elected to focus on professional development and did not exhibit. We were able to attend interesting sessions on:


Drupal GovCon Passes

Anything Else?

Introducing... David's Corner!

Hunter Deschepper

In our very first edition of David's Corner, David shares the science behind maintaining a balanced coffee buzz, the historic design fails made by a previous Apple chief designer, and finally, his take on some neat infographics outlining Google's SEO strategy...

Davids Corner

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