Film Festival Receives Star Treatment

January 24, 2003

DesignHammer Media Group, LLC today unveiled the web site for the Fifth Annual North Carolina Jewish Film Festival. The NCJFF will be held at the Carolina Theatre in Durham on February 22–24.

“Once again, DesignHammer has delivered an excellent product. The NCJFF web site is as functional as it is attractive.” said Sydney Miller, a member of the Steering Committee of the 2002 NCJFF.

As last year, the site includes a schedule, film descriptions, ticket information, as well as an animated splash screen (produced in Flash) and an automated system to allow volunteers to register for opportunities to help the Film Festival (as well as a means for the Carolina Theatre staff to manage the system).

According to Jim Carl, Director of Programming for The Carolina Theatre of Durham, Inc., “As Director of Programming, I receive many comments from filmmakers and distributors regarding the marketing for their respective films. Without doubt, the website created by DesignHammer for The Carolina Theatre’s 2003 North Carolina Jewish Film Festival received the most positive feedback from respected professionals in the entertainment business than any other film festival website in this organization’s history.”

In addition to developing the web site for the 2003 NCJFF, DesignHammer has agreed to develop a site for the 2004 NCJFF.

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