Film Festival Sees Stars in DesignHammer Work

January 10, 2002

DesignHammer Media Group, LLC today unveiled the web site for the Fourth Annual North Carolina Jewish Film Festival. the NCJFF will be held at the Carolina Theatre in Durham on February 21, 23-24.

"I am extremely pleased with DesignHammer’s work for the NC Jewish Film Festival. Our web site now has an elegant design and professional look. Our web site also has new functionality that would not have been possible without DesignHammer’s expertise. Throughout, DesignHammer’s staff was easy to work with. The whole experience of working with DesignHammer was a pleasure." Said Sydney Miller, a member of the Steering Committee of the 2002 NCJFF.

In addition to the standard schedule, film descriptions and ticket information, this year’s site features and animated splash screen (produced in Flash) as well as an automated system to allow volunteers to register for opportunities to help the Film Festival (as well as a means for the Carolina Theatre staff to manage the system). In referring to the automated volunteer registration system, Matt Pennachi, Director of Audience Services for the Carolina Theatre said "…I love it. I think this is a terrific system and I applaud all of the hard work you’ve put into it."

According to Stephen Martin, executive director of the Carolina Theatre, more than 4000 people are expected at this year’s festival which has quickly become a much-anticipated annual tradition. This year’s North Carolina Jewish Film Festival grows in prestige as the major distributor Lion’s Gate premieres a feature movie at the festival held on Thursday, February 21, Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24, 2002. The fourteen films screened during the festival represent a variety of film styles and subjects from four countries designed to illustrate the diversity and universality of Jewish life.

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