Interiors in Flight Website Wins Gold in Annual Communicator Awards

May 04, 2016

Communicator AwardA website project led by DesignHammer for Interiors In Flight of Orlando has won an Award of Excellence in the 2016 Communicator Awards.

The website was judged among the top tier of over 6,000 entries, across eleven categories. Entries were submitted to The 22nd Annual Communicator Awards from throughout the US and around the world.

The Communicator Awards is the leading international awards program honoring creative excellence for communication professionals. This year’s Communicator Awards received thousands of entries from companies and agencies of all sizes, making it one of the largest awards of its kind in the world. The Communicator Awards is sanctioned and judged by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts, an invitation-only body consisting of top-tier professionals from a “Who's Who” of acclaimed media, advertising, and marketing firms.

Exum Photography of Greensboro shot all the images used on the website. Patrick Carroll, marketing consultant for Interiors in Flight, managed the creative direction and website content creation in concert with Pausback Advertising of Durham.

“After being approached by Interiors in Flight to assemble a team to undertake the critical website redesign project, my list was very short, and at the top were Don Pausback, and Steve Exum. I’ve collaborated with them numerous times over my career, and had no doubt they could, and would deliver. This award is a testament to their abilities and dedication to their respective disciplines.” Noted David Minton, Managing Partner of DesignHammer.

Interiors in Flight designs and manufactures custom seats and cabinetry for jumbo jets for the ultra-exclusive Head of State and VVIP (Very Very Important Person) market.

“The work that Interiors in Flight does is so exquisite, that we simply wanted to show beautiful images and match the words to the art and science behind their products,” said Don Pausback, Creative Director of Pausback Advertising.

The award-winning website can be experienced at:

Is your organization ready to go for the gold? Ask how DesignHammer can help you redesign your website for international recognition.

Interiors in Flight Homepage

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