November 29
Email marketing is a highly successful avenue for getting messages across to customers and prospects, but there are several factors that could turn a successful campaign idea into an ineffective email marketing effort if not executed properly. In his presentation at the Internet Summit in Raleigh, Michael C Bird of NetProspex highlighted seven important points to keep in mind when setting up your next e-mailing.
October 25
Get more opinionated online and it can help you get better customer service. The social media analytics service Klout is quantifying your social influence, so develop your networks and reap the rewards!
October 06
The new Guides are effective December 1st, 2009. As is usually the case, ignorance of the law is not an advisable defense. Since the new Guides specifically address “new media” content such as blogs and viral marketing, it is a good idea for anyone writing reviews, or providing testimonials in online publishing, become familiar with the Guides, particularly if they have a direct relationship with, or receive any sort of compensation from product or service providers.
June 22
Following a lawsuit brought by Major League Baseball’s St. Louis Cardinals' Manager, Tony La Russa, Twitter is taking a hard stance on users creating profiles that pose as celebrities and is testing out verified accounts on their website.