What's in store for DesignHammer in Washington DC at NTC 2017?

March 23, 2017

DesignHammer NTC 2017 logoSince 2001 we have been serving non-profits around North Carolina, and across the country, so are especially happy to be a part of the 2017 Nonprofit Technology Conference, March 23 – 25, 2017 at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC.

The Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC) is the nonprofit sector’s signature technology event, assembling over 2,000 nonprofit professionals from around the world. In a collaborative environment, they seek to help educate, innovate, and discover new ways to advance their respective missions through the application of technology.

The conference is produced by NTEN, the Nonprofit Technology Network, the membership organization of nonprofit technology professionals. DesignHammer is a proud member of NTEN, and active in NCTech4Good, the local NTEN 501 Tech Club.

DesignHammer was a sponsor and presenter the last time the NTC was held in Washington DC. One big change for us was the elimination of the dedicated Drupal Day before the conference. This year, conference organizers have incorporated a dedicated WordPress & Drupal Salon Sessions track. We are happy to see website development receive better coverage, and will be curious to see how the change is received.

As at past NTCs, we will be in the Exhibit Hall, though this time we will be featuring the exhibit we created for the AMA Triangle High Five Conference at the beginning of March. The “DesignHammer living room” exhibit concept was quite memorable, and we hope will leave a favorable and lasting impression on NTC attendees.

At the exhibit, we will be debuting our new Drupal Audit service; a 50+ point assessment of Drupal websites regarding security, performance, and best practices. While a great platform for website development, it has a steep learning curve, and not every developer seems up to the challenge of deploying high-quality projects. This puts non-technical site owners of a bad position of not knowing if their projects have been developed according to established best practices. Our audit will provide an independent assessment, as well as guidance on areas that need attention, or further in-depth review.

We are still analyzing the results from our High Five digital marketing survey and decided to do another for NTC. This time we are conducting a survey of website platform use by the nonprofit sector. We will publish the results to our Updates mailing list; subscribe to DesignHammer Updates to read our findings.

The last time our nation’s capital hosted NTC, back in 2014, we made several great connections, and look forward to seeing some of them again, as well as meet new people. While I expect, I’ll be spending most of the time in the Exhibit Hall, I hope to get to sneak out to take in a few of the excellent sessions the conference will offer. There are also some great social and networking events in the evenings to compete with my attempt to stay current on what’s going on back at the office in Durham.

If you’re attending NTC 2017 please stop by exhibit 601 by the front doors of the main Exhibition Hall. If not, let us know the greatest challenge facing your organization; there may be a web-based solution to your problem.

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