DesignHammer takes on php[world] 2016

November 17, 2016

Part of the job for Business development is getting out the office. To this end we have been attending, sponsoring, and presenting at conferences in the southeast since 2010 from Drupal GovCon in Maryland to Drupalcamp Atalnta in Georgia. A new one for us, Stephen Pashby and I are representing DesignHammer at php[world] 2016 at the Sheraton Premiere at Tyson’s Corner in the Washington, D.C. area this week.

PHP World logo over photo of US capitol building

Estimated to power more than 80% of the Web, PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open source scripting language particularly well suited for web development. Examples of php in action are WordPress, and Drupal, two of DesignHammer’s preferred CMS(Content Management System) options.

php[world] is an offshoot of php[architect] magazine. Founded in 2002, they publish the only technical journal dedicated exclusively to the world of PHP. According to organizers:

“php[world] is a conference like no other. Designed to bring together the various sub-communities that are linked by the PHP programming language. Drupal, WordPress, Joomla!, Magento, Laravel, Zend Framework, Symfony and CakePHP all have strong independent communities, but together as the PHP community, the sum is greater than the whole.”

Stephen and I were chosen to join over fifty industry luminaries from companies large to small including AOL, Google, Oracle, and Salesforce. Though developer heavy, as expected for such a venue, we were happy to have been invited to present an overview on Websites Accessibility.

Thursday from 4:30pm-5:30pm Stephen and I will be presenting Website Accessibility: it’s the Right Thing to do. We haven’t done this talk since Drupal Camp Atlanta last year, so we will have plenty of updates on case law. This month’s presidential results through some uncertainty into the future of website accessibility regulation, so we will hazard some guesses on what changes to look for over the next few years.

In addition to providing speakers, DesignHammer is exhibiting at the conference. We are situated between, a managed eCommerce provider we will be considering for future projects, and Blackmesh, an outstanding managed hosting provider we recommend to all of our clients.

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