November 02
Brazil is joining California and the European Union with its own "LGPD" personal data privacy legislation. Here's everything you need to know about the new law, including who will be protected by it and which organizations will be impacted by it.
September 04
Changes are on the horizon for European Union data privacy and organizations that use or want to use EU citizen's private data need to be aware of these significant changes.
July 28
In a surprising court ruling, a Dutch woman has taken her estranged mother to court over her refusal to delete pictures of her children off of her personal Facebook account. The mother claimed that by her refusing to do so she is actually violating the EU's GDPR (data protection) law. She won.
March 09
As we approach the spring solstice we'd like to take a look back at everything DesignHammer accomplished this 2019-2020 winter season.
January 31
There is a new player in the internet privacy game, this time on American soil. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) has officially gone into effect, adding limitations to companies can do with personal data they have collected on users via their website. Here's what you need to know about who is affected by the new law and how you can become compliant.