Reader's Corner No. 40: Punctuation, 5 Types of Animation, and Branch Prediction in CPU's

August 28, 2017

We have hopefully had our last day of 90 degree weather for the year, and are looking forward to Fall. We have a few topics to share with you this week: the importance and history of punctuation, the 5 types of animation, and branch prediction in CPU's in the 90s.

The Loveliest Living Fossil

David Gouch

Source: Hoefler & Co

Takeaway: An ode to the symbols on the keyboard that aren’t letters or numbers yet help us communicate all the same: punctuation. This piece just walks through some symbols that have fallen out of use as well as traces the changes in meaning they can acquire.

Tags: #Typography

The 5 Types of Animation

Jeanette Larsen

Source: Bloop Animation

Takeaway: This is a brief but thorough explation about the 5 main types of animation: traditional, 2D, computer animation, motion graphics, and stop motion. It is interesting to see many examples and to learn about frames and various skills required for each type.

Tags: #Animation

A history of branch prediction from 1500000 BC to 1995

Jay Roberts

Source: Dan Luu

Takeaway: Dan Luu provides a nice overview of branch prediction strategies implemented in CPUs through the 90s. As web developers we may be working at the top of a very tall stack, but it's still important to understand the metal at the bottom.

Tags: #CPUs

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