Reader's Corner No 51: CableLabs Full Duplex DOCSIS Specification, Account Take Overs, and an Open Letter to Intel

November 13, 2017

We are already, excitedly reloading the office Nerf gun arsenal for our holiday party next month! We are highlight a few reads this week about CableLabs full duplex DOCSIS specification, understanding account takeovers, and an open letter to Intel.

CableLabs Completes Full Duplex DOCSIS Specification

Michael Nicholson

Source: Cable Labs News Release

Takeaway: "As needs and desires for more bandwidth are continuously increased by a product of richer internet content and more devices per person accessing that content, network infrastructure feels more demands each day. 90% of the US is connected to the internet by a Hybrid Fiber Coax Network (HFC), which has historically been disproportionately heavy in the download direction (typical residential plans may be 100 Mbps down and 30 Mbps up).

As new gigabit providers started entering the space, CableLabs began work on a DOCSIS 3.0 specification to supply 1.0 Gbps downstream, followed by DOCSIS 3.1 which can supply 10 Gbps downstream. The most recent standard is DOCSIS Full Duplex, which can support 10 Gbps simultaneously up and down stream."

Tags: #Technology

An Open Letter to Intel

Jay Roberts

Source: Andrew S. Tanenbaum's Home Page

Takeaway: It’s well known in the field of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) that hyperlinks are important for successful SERP (Search Engine Results Page) performance. Rand Fishkin analyzes different forms of links, including navigation, footer, body text, and body images, to discuss the relative merits and performance. Also significant is how each contributed to SERP based on position on page, in code, as well as in frequency on page and in site. A great read for anyone developing, or managing content, for websites that need to perform well in search engine results.

Tags: #Unix, #Minix, #BSD, #Intel

New research: Understanding the root cause of account takeover

David Minton

Source: Google Security Blog

Takeaway: Google teamed up with the University of California, Berkeley to better understand how hijackers attempt to compromise user accounts. While data breaches such as Equifax have been prominent in the news, other methods, such as phishing and key loggers were also looked at. Based on their research, Google felt phishing was the greatest threat to their users, so was the method they focused on securing against. To help secure other accounts, a combination of a password manager that allow for the easy use of strong passwords, as well as two-factor authentication, can provide strong defense against all three of the methods reviewed.

Tags: #Security, #Google

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