Reader's Corner No. 56: 2:1 Aspect Ratio is Everywhere, Google's Mobile-First Indexing, and TriUXPA Workshop on Managing Project Challenges

December 18, 2017

This week we are sharing three articles with a wide range in topics, they include: the 2:1 aspect ratio is everywhere, getting your site ready for Google's mobile-first indexing, and the Triangle UXPA Workshop: Overcoming and Managing Project Challenges with Brett Harned.

The aspect ratio 2:1 is everywhere

David Gouch

Source: VashiVisuals

Takeaway: Pointing out something that has been the case for a while (but something I hadn't noticed): the aspect ratio 2:1 is becoming extremely common in film. It's a workhorse midway between common theatrical, TV and phone ratios — which makes a lot of sense, since the extra work (often unsupervised by the director) of cropping/zooming film footage to fill TV screens has always been… well, just that: extra work.

Tags: #Film

Getting your site ready for mobile-first indexing

David Minton

Source: Google Webmaster Central Blog

Takeaway: Google is getting ready to roll out what they are calling “mobile-first indexing.” While until now, Google typically based search resulting ranking on a website’s desktop content, it will now begin using mobile content, even for desktop initiated searches. For websites using responsive design that includes all desktop content (as we advocate at DesignHammer), no updates should be necessary to preserve current rankings. For those with separate mobile websites (e.g., or that serve limited content to mobile from a single website, Google will now base results on what Smartphone Googlebot indexes. This may result in serious ranking drops for websites ignoring Google’s latest best practices.

Tags: #SEO, #Google, #Mobile, #Responsive

Workshop: Overcoming and Managing Project Challenges with Brett Harned

Michael Nicholson

Source: UXPA Upcoming Events

Takeaway: The Triangle UXPA is hosting an upcoming event with Brett Harned to discuss Project Challenges. The Agenda includes:

  • How to find and handle red flags in project docs
  • Ch-ch-changes (how to adapt to changes)
  • Facing Project Challenges

My experience with UXPA events has been very positive so far, so I'm looking forward to this event on January 8th! There's still space, so if you're interested in registering please check it out at

Tags: #LocalEvents, #ProjectManagement

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