Reader's Corner No. 60: GDPR Hall of Shame, Airbnb's New Typeface and the Student Loan Crisis

June 06, 2018

Is the summer weather in your city as beautiful as it is in North Carolina today? If so then grab your laptop, a refreshing lemonade and soak up some rays while keeping up with our summer reading list! This Thursday is our 60th issue of our Reader's Corner and the team is excited to be bringing our readers some fresh new content. The relevant topics we are sharing today cover the GDPR "Hall of Shame", designing a typeface that's applicable to any situation, and the ever-pressing subject of crippling student loan debt in America.

GDPR Hall of Shame

Jay Roberts

Source: GDPR Hall of Shame

Takeaway: There are a lot of companies having trouble getting things in order for GDPR.

Tags: #GDPR, #InternetLaw



AirBnB's new Typeface is a Case Study in Unified, Accessible Design

David Minton

Source: AIGA Eye on Design

Takeaway: Typography can often make or break the effectiveness, as well as the message behind the design. Type can make a statement, such as a blackletter, or take a back seat to the words themselves, such as a mono weight sans-serif. Most designers will use a variety of faces for different reasons, considering that only a select few can do everything, anywhere. Unable to find a single font that could handle every need, Airbnb commissioned their own to unify their branding and messaging across all platforms. The result, known as "Cereal," is “scalable font, with adjustments to qualities such as stroke width and x-height built in depending on type size and media environment, resulting in excellent legibility across the board.” The AIGA blog provides a concise case study on the development of the new font.

Tags: #Design, #Typography

I've Paid $18,000 To A $24,000 Student Loan, & I Still Owe $24,000

David Gouch

Source: Bustle

Takeaway: The American student loan situation is interesting. It’s tempting to blame students because the information has always been out there. But I think people forget how difficult it is to go against the advice of family, peers, and the university system all telling you "this is how everyone does it, just sign here."

Tags: #Education, #Finance

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