Reader's Corner No. 84: Google Web.Dev Site Scanner, Trusting Web Design Best Practices, and PageSpeed Insights Migrated to Lighthouse

November 22, 2018

A very happy Thanksgiving Thursday from all of us at DesignHammer to our RC fans! After stuffing yourself with stuffing, sit back and digest some new technology news on top of all of that food! Today's article features Google's new beta audit tool, whether or not you can trust current web design best practices, and Google's PageSpeed Insights' recent migration to Lighthouse!

Google Releases Beta Version of Web.Dev Site Scanner

Allen Freeman


Takeaway: Google has produced a web audit tool based on Lighthouse and made it available to the public at no charge.

Tags: #Google


Can You Trust Website Design Best Practices?

Stephen Pashby

Source: Search Engine Land

Takeaway: While there are many generally accepted Best Practices in web design, smart organizations (and web designers) understand that Best Practices might not be right for all audiences. Rather than go with Best Practices, smart organizations test and measure results to allow data to guide their web design.

Tags: #Measurement, #Data, #Best Practices

PageSpeed Insights, Now Powered by Lighthouse

David Minton

Source: Google Webmaster Central Blog

Takeaway:Google announced they have migrated the analysis engine for Pagespeed Insights (PSI) to Lighthouse, an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. Until now, Google provided different ways to access PSI, though relying on different analysis engines which at times could provide differing results. With the unified engine, tests conducted from the web, the command line, or Chrome DevTools should all yield the same results. Page speed is important, as it tends to improve user experience and satisfaction. Studies have shown users are likely to stay longer, and bounce less often, on sites that load quickly vs. those that load slowly.

Tags: #Google, #Tools

Curious about Google tools, SEO, or web design in general? We’ve got answers.

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