Reader's Corner No.16: Email Etiquette, Overcoming Imposter Syndrome, Netflix Stethoscope, Outage and Recovery

February 27, 2017

Our diverse team members share an interesting article from something they’ve read that week. Some article highlights from this week include: email etiquette, overcoming imposter syndrome, Netflix Stethoscope, outage and recovery.

Here is the perfect way to end an email — and 27 sign-offs you should usually avoid

David Minton

Source: Business Insider

Takeaway: Even when it comes to something seemingly as trial as email, words do matter. Even the things you add on autopilot, including the salutation and signoff. After carefully crafting an email, why blow it on an inappropriate signoff? Business Insider checked in with some business consultants on situationally appropriate, and automatic failures, in email signoffs.

Tags: #BusinessEtiquette, #Email

How A Facebook Designer Overcame Imposter Syndrome

Jeanette Larsen

Source: InVision App Blog

Takeaway: It is easy to feel imposter syndrome, especially when entering a new work environment or working with seasoned individuals. But this feeling can be overcome. “Trust yourself and take responsibility for your own success.”

Tags: #ImposterSyndrome, #Success

Introducing Netflix Stethoscope

Jay Roberts

Source: The Netflix Tech Blog

Takeaway: "If we provide employees with focused, actionable information and low-friction tools, we believe they can get their devices into a more secure state without heavy-handed policy enforcement."

Tags: #Netflix, #Security

Instapaper Outage Cause & Recovery

David Gouch

Source: Medium Making Instapaper

Takeaway: A lesson in the benefits of having a general response to total technical disaster rather than only making checklists for specific accidents you can predict today. There will always be unknown unknowns, so being able to answer the question – How would we rebuild everything from scratch on new hardware? – will prove a useful guide when things that just aren’t supposed to happen start happening.

Tags: #Backups, #SysAdmin, #FetalPosition

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