Study Suggests Gen Z and Milennials Are Likely to Engage With "How-To" Content Online

July 06, 2020

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"How to" content is popular and frequently searched for, particularly by younger users. This makes it a valuable addition to your content marketing strategy.

When trying to come up with "How-to" content, try to think about the following:

  • What problems is your target audience trying to solve (not just what problems does your product or service solve)? To expand on this idea, if you are selling a product that helps with yard work, "How to" content for easy gardening or compost projects might attract your target audience to your site.

  • What questions is your sales team encountering? If your sales team needs to regularly answer specific questions with prospects, you might be able to create content that is both valuable "How to" content and a useful sales support tool.

  • What questions are being asked online? There are many tools online that can provide insight into what questions people are actually searching for. Look for gaps in content that answers these questions.

Once you identify potentially relevant "How-to" content, there are many ways you can position it to incorporate it into your marketing and sales efforts.

  • Top-of-the-funnel content to provide useful information to potential customers by introducing your brand

  • Mid-funnel content that helps potential or existing customers better use your products or services

  • Direct content that helps customers choose between your available products and services

Once you have identified an appropriate "How-to" and where the content will fit in your content strategy, think about how to set your content apart from other similar "How-to"s. Two common ways of setting content apart include video content and infographics. If you decide to go with a video, think about how best to present the information (e.g screen capture, PPT, video of the activity with voice over, or speaking to the camera). If your "How to" content is suited for infographics, think about ways your infographic can expand your audience’s understanding (e.g. demonstrating common problems, showing the difference between similar things, etc.).

How-To Guide Example

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