October 03
Our staff shares of the week include articles on copyright law, bad SSL configurations, and a summary of how one popular piece of wearable tech was the key to sentencing a near-senile old man to prison for murder.
February 21
If you've ever been curious about how password managers work, thought about switching from the paid Google Maps API to an alternative service, or have been suspicious of cryptocurrency security...this is the Reader's Corner for you!
February 07
Why CAPTCHA has gotten so difficult (interesting read!), a preview of Vue.js 3.0 by Evan You, and an in-depth interview with the senior graphics editor behind a popular American science magazine.
August 08
The latest major website security vulnerability to be announced can impact an entire website or server instantly, making websites unresponsive or unavailable. All websites on shared servers are at risk.
April 10
By now, you have probably heard about the serious OpenSSL vulnerability, Heartbleed. As of today, we don't have any information that any user data on DesignHammer's servers was compromised. That said, as a precaution we strongly urge users of DesignHammer's sites to reset their site login passwords using a strong password.
November 03
Recently we have seen some phishing attacks centered around the upcoming 2012 election. As with any scam, the best defense is good security practice and the maxim, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”