September 07
The latest facet of my practical business education at DesignHammer involves social media. Today, I want to share my findings on Twitter, the marketer’s dream social networking platform.
July 20
You’ve probably heard some of the excitement and discussion over Google’s latest feature, Google+. If you haven’t, Google+ is the search giant’s latest social sharing attempt and could become a rival to Facebook.
March 11
The Wall Street Journal posted an interesting article on Changing Face of Social Networks earlier this week, suggesting “five years is a lifetime for the average teenager’s habits,” citing the rise of MySpace, until its eclipse by Facebook two years later as an example. Current research indicates that the trend continues, with facebook usage by 18–24 year-olds diminishing over the last three months.
June 22
Following a lawsuit brought by Major League Baseball’s St. Louis Cardinals' Manager, Tony La Russa, Twitter is taking a hard stance on users creating profiles that pose as celebrities and is testing out verified accounts on their website.
June 14
Did your favorite third-party Twitter application begin acting strangely, or quit working altogether Friday evening? If so, don't panic, you are probably just experiencing a Year 2000 Bug for the new millennium, dubbed the Twitpocalypse. Who would have thought 2 billion tweets could cause so much trouble? Read on to learn how we got into this mess, and what will have to be done to dig us out.
June 11
We want to bring your attention to "changes announced on Tuesday" that will have a great impact upon individuals and organizations using the popular social network website, Facebook, for business. As of Saturday, June 13th, at 12:01AM, users, and administrators of pages, will be able to choose their own user names to direct people to the webpage through a self-chosen, recognizable URL. Up until this point, the URL for individuals and pages has been an assigned series of numbers. Prior to this update, we would just like to take a moment to alert you to potential pitfalls regarding the usernames. As there are more than 200 million active users and an increasing number of companies using Facebook, acquiring the most desirable company Facebook URL could become problematic if one is not chosen soon after the selection period becomes active at 12:01pm on Saturday.