Working with the White House and Local Business

April 29, 2011

White House LogoDURHAM, NC (April 29, 2011) — DesignHammer Managing Partner David Minton and Account Manager Stephen Pashby participated in a session of the White House Roundtables: 100 Strategies for Winning the Future on April 23rd at the Kenan-Flagler Business School, on the campus of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The theme of the session was “The Next Generation of Entrepreneurs,” and focused on the challenges that young entrepreneurs face in the current economic climate.
David Minton was appreciative for the opportunity to participate in the event. He added “I find it encouraging that the White House is taking a grassroots approach to addressing our nation’s economic woes, and soliciting feedback and suggestions from entrepreneurs and small businesses like DesignHammer.”

In addition to fostering discussion among present and future entrepreneurs, the roundtable was organized to provide feedback to the White House on what can be done to support entrepreneurship in today’s economy. Topics discussed included tangible obstacles to entrepreneurship, solutions to these obstacles, and opportunities for the White House to help entrepreneurs overcome these obstacles. The roundtable was attended by a variety of current and future entrepreneurs.

On attending Stephen Pashby said, “Participating in this business roundtable was an excellent opportunity to become more closely involved in our local business community. The roundtable also presented a chance to offer feedback to the White House the current business climate and propose solutions. David and I were pleased to share best practices with up and coming entrepreneurs.”

Through May 31st, Administration officials will be participating in 100 Roundtables with Americans all across the country. Hosted by members of communities around the country, these roundtables allow Americans to discuss issues that are relevant to their communities. Feedback from the roundtables will be shared with the White House and will be compiled in an e-book, creating a database of workable, scalable models of success that young leaders can replicate in their own communities, and that the President’s Team can highlight.

DesignHammer was invited to participate in the White House Roundtable via the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce. DesignHammer has been an active member of the Chamber for over ten years.

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