Beer O'clock — New Belgium Lips of Faith Dunkelweiss

March 17, 2011

March 15th, 2011

Beer tasters: Kosta, Jay, Paul, Frank, David, and Stephen New Belgium's Dunkelweiss, part of the Lips of Faith Series Several DesignHammer team members returned from traveling to the midwest so we took time after a long day of designing cutting edge websites to sit down, have a gourmet beer tasting and swap travel stories. David selected New Belgium’s Dunkel Weiss from the Lips of Faith series for us to sample.

“Deep amber brown with a dense off-white head, Dunkelweiss rediscovers hefeweissbiers through a Belgian brewer’s lens. This beer opens with sweet clove, chocolate and banana notes that give way to a warm finish with a peppery tingle across the palate.”

New Belgium Brewing Company, of Fort Collins, Colorado, has been brewing Belgian style beers since 1991. In addition to their extensive selection of beers, New Belgium sponsors a variety of outdoor events from Scavenger Hunts to Bike in Cinema. Check out their Event Map to find a New Belgium Event near you. Kosta told tales of DrupalCon Chicago while we opened the Dunkel Weiss. “Is that bubblegum I'm tasting?” Jay asked. “No, I think that's banana.” Frank retorted. “Are you sure it's not bubblegum?” Jay argued. After a few minutes of sipping, David began detailing his performance at the Detroit North American Cup Fencing Competition. While David gave a cut by cut account of his results, we continued our beer analysis. “I think I'm tasting pepper,” Paul noted. “Yeah, pepper and bubblegum,” Jay agreed. Stephen began explaining the subtleties and vagaries of fencing referees to highlight a few points from David’s story. He continued by mentioning his own results and his impressions of Detroit. “I like the color. It looks wonderful in the glass,” Jay noted. “It did,” replied Kosta, noting his empty glass. DesignHammer frequents the Hope Valley Bottle Shop, a local specialty shop near DesignHammer’s world headquarters in southwest Durham. Check out their extensive selection of carefully chosen wine and beer. Tell them DesignHammer sent you.

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