August 21, 2018
The team has contributed some fantastic articles today! Our first share is an eye-opening account of how one VICE writer determined that companies are in fact "listening in" to our spoken conversations via the microphone on our mobile phones. Next up is some intriguing evidence that Google may be running an unintended monopoly in relation to the naming rationale behind various cities and districts around the world. Lastly, our Project Manager Michael has provided a concise summary and relevant article on prepping your website for GDPR compliance.
June 6, 2018
Is the summer weather in your city as beautiful as it is in North Carolina today? If so then grab your laptop, a refreshing lemonade and soak up some rays while keeping up with our weekly reading list! This Thursday is our 60th issue of our Reader's Corner and the team is excited to be bringing our readers some fresh new content. The relevant topics we are sharing today cover the GDPR "Hall of Shame", designing a typeface that's applicable to any situation, and the ever-pressing subject of crippling student loan debt in America.
May 22, 2018
The European Union's new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) becomes effective on May 25th, 2018. Here's what we understand about the privacy law: what the implications are, who will be impacted by them, and how businesses can remain compliant.