DesignHammer Built Site Aids Inter-City Visit

August 24, 2006

DesignHammer Media Group announces site developed for Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce to promote an important event was a big success! The site promotes an upcoming Inter-City Visit and Leadership Conference in Madison, Wisconsin and can be viewed at

The Community Leadership Council and leaders from across the Chapel Hill community will be attending an Inter-City Visit and Leadership Conference in Madison, Wisconsin on September 24-26, 2006. The purpose of the Intercity Visit and Leadership Conference is to convene leaders of the Chapel Hill and Carrboro community to learn from the experiences of another successful community (Madison, WI) and to build relationships among participants that will help to successfully address community challenges and opportunities.

“The site was technically flawless, registrants were able to register online and the event quickly sold-out. With the large amount of interest, we had to begin a waiting list to handle late registrants,” said Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Aaron Nelson.

“We are pleased to continue our relationship and serving the Chamber’s web development needs,” said David Minton, Managing Partner for DesignHammer. “we hope local leaders will learn more about this event and be prompted to participate” Minton added.

Founded in 2001, DesignHammer Media Group LLC is an award-winning, Durham, North Carolina-based web design and development company. Featuring advanced planning, repeatable processes, refined aesthetics, solid technology, and personalized service; DesignHammer empowers clients by building smarter websites.

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