DesignHammer Chosen for Ad Agency Project

January 05, 2004

The Stone Agency has selected DesignHammer Media Group, LLC to redesign their corporate web site. Founded in 1995, The Stone Agency is a full-service agency named for founders Chris Stone and Michele Stone, The name also depicts strength, stability and commitment to the firm’s long-held philosophy of “leaving no stone unturned.”

With internal creative teams focused on satisfying clients, The Stone Agency maintained an old and outdated web site for “too long.” Seeking to escape the classic “cobbler’s children having no shoes” phenomenon, they needed to turn to an outside agency to get the job done. After reviewing numerous possibilities, The Stone Agency selected DesignHammer.

“The Stone Agency has a great reputation, with a very strong client list, said DesignHammer Managing Partner David Minton. “It says a great deal that they are trusting us with their image, and the first impression they make on the Web,” Minton added.

The revised Stone Agency web site is expected to be completed in the late Spring
of 2004.

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