DesignHammer Gets the Look Just Right

March 22, 2004

DesignHammer Media Group, LLC has completed the redesign of the The John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy web site. The project included an updated interface design, a custom-built content management system, hosting services, and ongoing maintenance.

Directed by George Leef, a former legislative aide and college professor, the Pope Center issues Inquiry research papers on such issues as finance, faculty compensation, capital needs, tenure, and curriculum reform. Leef and other staff members have testified before the General Assembly, appeared on numerous radio and television programs, and been quoted in major N.C. newspapers as well as The Chronicle of Higher Education and the journal Academic Questions.

The center also publishes Clarion Call, a weekly e-mail newsletter on higher education. Pope Center staff also write and edit the higher education section of Carolina Journal.

According to George Leef, "DesignHammer did a superb job of crafting our new site, giving it careful attention to get the look of the site just right."

The new site features a custom-built content management system, enabling Pope Center staff to maintain the content of the site, including: Featured
, Headlines, Inquiry Papers, Issues, Recommended
, and a Course of the Month.

The John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy was founded in 1996 as a project of the John Locke Foundation. Named for former University of North Carolina Board of Governors member John William Pope, the Center seeks to bring innovative thinking and critical analysis to the field of higher education, in North Carolina and across the nation.

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