Soliloquy Sounds Off With New Project for DesignHammer

March 17, 2004

Internationally renowned and respected Speaker manufacturer, Soliloquy Loudspeaker Corporation, has selected DesignHammer Media Group, LLC to redesign and update its corporate web site. Soliloquy Loudspeaker includes both the Soliloquy and American Acoustic Development (AAD) product lines.

Soliloquy/AAD Loudspeakers are designed and manufactured to outperform competitive loudspeakers in four critical areas: Sonic Reproduction, Appearance, Quality of Construction, and Value-for-Dollar Retail Pricing

According to Dave Berman, Soliloquy President and General Manager, “Between Soliloquy’s Raleigh, North America-based facility and in-house cabinet shop, AAD’s sizable Shunde, China factory, and the design and engineering talents of world-class audio legend Phil Jones, our family of associated companies and strategic alliances is poised for many exciting future products and long-term success in the marketplace.”

“Soliloquy has a phenomenal reputation, said DesignHammer Managing Partner David Minton. “It is great to find a company with the same philosophy we have — developing superior products at competitive prices,” Minton added.

The revised Soliloquy web site is expected to be completed in May, 2004.

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