DesignHammer Makes the Grade for Education Focused Web Site

January 14, 2004

DesignHammer Media Group, LLC has completed the redesign of the North Carolina Education Alliance web site. The project included an updated interface design, a custom-built content management system, an integrated weekly email-based newsletter system, hosting services, and ongoing maintenance.

The Alliance is dedicated to fundamental reform of the state’s education system under the belief that the focus of education should be on students rather than the system. The mission of the Alliance is to identify and publicize innovative, effective solutions to educational problems.

The new site features a custom-built content management system, enabling the Alliance staff to maintain the content of the site, including
Headlines, Research & Policy Reports, and Events, as well send a weekly email-based newsletter.

Alliance Headlines link to education news stories from across the state and nation each day. These updates are also included in a weekly newsletter email, also design, developed and hosted by DesignHammer. Alliance research includes brief articles and more in-depth policy reports. Articles are published weekly and policy reports are published throughout the year.

In addition to conducting research and producing publications, The Alliance hosts events, including an annual Education Tour that commences every Fall. Staff members go to several cities all across the state and give talks on pertinent education issues and research projects. The Alliance also hosts several speaking engagements with education activists from outside the state. Online listings, and registration for events is handled by systems developed by DesignHammer.

The Alliance was created in 1998, with a Steering Committee made up of reform-minded school board members, county commissioners, business executives, educators, and other local leaders.

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