DesignHammer Partner Named to Buy Local Task Force

March 24, 2009

DesignHammer Media Group LLC Managing Partner David Minton has been appointed to the Orange County Buy Local Task Force. DesignHammer contributed the website for the Orange County Buy Local campaign, and Minton will work on the Task Force to help leverage the capabilities of the online business directory.

Buy Local is a grassroots effort of citizens and community groups working in concert with local businesses and government, committed to encouraging consumers to increase their percentage of spending locally. According to the Buy Local campaign “While there is little individuals can do about the national economy, individuals can have a major impact on the Orange County, NC, economy, simply by paying attention to where they shop.”

One of the key aspects of the Orange County Buy Local campaign is the website, the Chapel Hill-Chamber of Commerce's installation of the BuyLocalizer, an application developed by DesignHammer Media Group, LLC to help consumers easily source local goods and services.

According to calculations by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce and Orange County Economic Development Commission, “when Orange County residents 16 years or older spend $200 more in Orange County — rather than online or elsewhere — local sales rise by more than two percent. That two percent rise equates to about $500,000 in sales tax revenue that can fund as many as 10 local police officers or teachers.”

Alan Hecht of Multi-Channel Marketing is leading the Task Force of seventeen local business leaders and community organizers.

The Task Force held an initial meeting on March 24th, at the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce. Over the next year, the Taskforce will focus on Community Outreach, publicizing the Buy Local initiative, Organizing Local Businesses, and managing the Buy Local Website.

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