Join DesignHammer at the Fourth Annual BarCampRDU in Raleigh

April 28, 2009

Online registration is open for the Fourth Annual BarCampRDU, to be held Saturday, August 8, 2009, at the Red Hat World Headquarters in Raleigh. DesignHammer was a sponsor of BarCampRDU in 2008, and currently attempting to coordinate a sponsorship for the upcoming session.

The popular event for local technologists has attracted over two hundred participants each of the last three years. While registration is free, space limitations force the organizers to limit the number of tickets available, and registration will likely close long before the conference is held in August.

For those not familiar with BarCamp, or the unconference method, the event organizers offer:

“A BarCamp is an unconference where people interested in a wide range of technologies come together to teach and learn. Unfamiliar with the un-conference format? Here’s the idea in a nutshell. Rather than having scheduled speakers, everyone pitches sessions the morning of the BarCamp. Those sessions are put on a schedule, and lots of little groups form for intense group learning. Everyone is expected to teach, to talk, to participate. Yeah, its different from a regular conference – but it works!”

As in past years, DesignHammer staffers will be in attendance. For Managing Partner David Minton, this will be his third BarCampRDU. In 2008, Minton, gave a presentation on Website Coding Best Practices for Search Engine Optimization, during the morning’s first session. Minton offered “I enjoyed presenting last year, and am working on a new presentation, possibly based on the Intersection of Usability, Accessibility, and SEO series of blog posts I’m writing.”

“The BarCamp experience is more than just the sessions. I have met a number of people the past couple of years I have kept up with since,” Minton added.

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