March 08
How is Search Engine Optimization like attempting to outrun a rampaging bear? Take a deep breath, relax, and focus on the big picture, not the huge bear looming over you…
March 01
Each search engine uses a different algorithm—the software that determines which pages turn up for any search. That’s why results on Google are different from those of Bing, and other competing search engines. As a significant business asset, these algorithms are kept secret, though it is suspected they receive updates often. Generally, the updates are minor, and difficult for the average user to notice. Google rolled out an update last week, but this one was different, and people took notice.
June 04
According to, search engine goliath Google is considering expanding its operation in North Carolina.
January 04
According to, search engine goliath Google is considering expanding its operation in North Carolina.
January 03
Nearly Three Quarters of Searches on Google and Yahoo!, according to a December press release from Nielsen//NetRatings, a provider of Internet audience measurement and online advertising intelligence.