Reader's Corner No. 42: Optimizing Mobile Voice Search, Non-Commandments for PM, and SSL/TLS Certificates

September 11, 2017

If you've wanted to improve the voice search on your mobile device, Stephen breaks it down for you this week. In addition, we are talking about updating your website SSL/TLS certificate and 10 non-commandments for project managers.

Optimizing for Voice Search with Siri, Google Now, and Cortana

Stephen Pashby

Source: Search Engine Journal

Takeaway: With the growth of voice activated search through Siri, Google Now, and Cortana, optimization for voice search is an important new discipline for SEO.

How to get started?

  1. Read the user guides:
  3. Keep up to date on voice search articles ( as many people learn voice search from these sorts of articles.
  4. Listen to how people TALK about you, your business, and your products. People often speak differently than they write, so you should optimize for how they speak about you.
  5. Make sure your website is mobile friendly! If someone is using voice search, they are almost certainly going to view your site on a mobile device.
  6. Don't forget about being local-friendly! If someone is using voice search, they are often on the move and location is relevant to their search ("Hey Siri, find coffee near me.").
  7. Make sure you are listed on appropriate networks (Yelp, Facebook, etc.) and keep your profile up to date there.

Tags: #SEO

Non-Commandments for PM

Michael Nicholson

Source: ICPM Blog

Takeaway: Based on their reading of “The Ten Commandments to Business Failure” by Donald R Keough the author has listed “Ten Commandments to Project Management Failure.” They are:

  1. Quit Taking Risks
  2. Be Inflexible
  3. Isolate Yourself
  4. Assume Infalliability
  5. Play the Game Close to the Foul Line
  6. Don't Take Time to Think
  7. Put All Your Faith in Experts and Outside Consultants
  8. Love Your Beauracracy
  9. Send Mixed Messages
  10. Be Afraid of the Future

Engaging in any of these pitfalls can spell doom for your project. Being aware of them, and thereby avoiding them, is necessary for successful project management.

Tags: #ProjectManagement #WhatNotToDo

Chrome’s Plan to Distrust Symantec Certificates

David Minton

Source: Google Security Blog

Takeaway: Starting with version 66 of the Chrome web browser, Google will remove trust in Symantec-issued certificates issued prior to June 1, 2016. The SSL/TLS certificates are essential to allow encrypted communication between web browsers and web servers. Without these, users are (and should be) hesitant to enter sensitive information, such as credit card numbers, into web pages. The Google Chrome team, as well as leading members of the public key infrastructure (PKI) community, found that Symantec was lax in the oversight of organizations the company authorized to issue certificates, and as such, should not be trusted. The brands, in addition to Symantec are Thawte, VeriSign, Equifax, GeoTrust, and RapidSSL. If your server is using a certificate issued by one of these entities, you should consider replacing it from a trusted CA. DesignHammer began migrating from these vendors in 2016, completing the move earlier this year.

Tags: #Security, #Google

Does your site need to be updated with an SSL/TLS certificate? Our developers can get you squared away.

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